Thursday, October 19, 2006

"The Customer"

Yesterday, there was a quite memorable moment happened to me. I had a site visit to one of the most prestigious landmark at Putrajaya - The Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC). I went there few times already but, it was the FIRST TIME that actually I went inside the premises.

I was with the other two of my team mates - En Mokhlis and Najah with En Safar from GDC to meet Makhostia's Future customer : Bahagian Adat Istiadat - Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Well to cut short- i had a short tour around the premises.. and guess what.. they brought me to the "Head of State Meeting Room" Pehhh..wa cakap lu..hebat giler bilik nie. Bilik nie hanya untuk Ketua-ketua Negara Bersidang.. kira taraf PM of Presiden jer yg boleh duduk kat kerusi dalam bilik nie...

I've never imagine that one day I’d set my foot kat tempat apa lagi..macam org jakun ler aku dibuat nyer..mulut ternganga..he..he. test duduk kat kerusi giler ...dan sempat pulak ambik gambar kat podium dia..Lepas tuh pergi kat Plenary Hall..tempat OIC & NAM buat persidangan...pehh..dewan nie pun gempak habis..

After the tour, we had a short discussion dgn Pegawai bahagian adat istiadat nie.. dia mentioned that in next coming November ada big event akan berjalan yg mana Pak Lah pun akan ada sekali.... So En Safar kata that would be the training ground for Makhostia on how to handle the chilled water requirement utk big event camtu..

kalau ada can..boleh aku salam dgn pak lah nanti..tapi kalau dapat salam ngan menantu dia lagi bagus..he...he... Aku masih ingat..ada org kata kat aku sebelum dtg kat sini..yg aku kena jaga betul-betul aircond utk Tingkat 4 JPM tuh... betul ker nak kena buat camtu???.....

Tuesday, October 17, 2006



Finally I'm connected back to the internet world. I'm here at Putrajaya almost 3 weeks and with no internet access, email apatah lagi. So yesterday mamat dari Stremyx dtg buat connection untuk..hah..hah apa lagi ..pulun check email la kerje aku semalam.