Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life is Never Easy

Dear Nazim,

Don't despair. Life is never easy. Please contemplate on this. When we started Makhostia, we were in a much worse position. I had to settle for young, inexperienced staff. It was tough going.

But I persevere. I held their hands giving them the encouragement and motivation to excel. Sometimes we do not get what we want. We get what is given. The important thing is to make the best of what we have. That is what I called "Bersyukur".

This frame of mind works miracle. Makhostia is a miracle because we have created something out of nothing. It defies the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. You have a significant role to play. Play that role with honour and dignity that demands the execution of leadership that transcends the normal execution of duty.

It demands your selfless conviction to duty in improving your knowledge and skills so that you can raise the level of commitment of others. To do that, you need the authority to implement. You have it. Hamid and I have put in that position, not because you are a pretty face, because of your capability.

So, have no hesitation in creating the destiny that we have charted for ourselves. I consider as everyone in Makhostia as Champions in their own right. Look around you, and you will notice that we are doing OK, not excellent as yet. We have to give ourselves time.

I have nothing but admiration for Makhostia for having traveled that long, arduous road of challenges constantly facing us head on. The difficulties that we encountered has done nothing else other than making us more stronger.

Each passing day is a learning that strengthen our resilience. I ask you this that you do not wait for instruction to perform you duty, that solemn duty you promised to perform delivering the best because of Amanah and Jujur. I have confidence in you to take a piece of dirty coal and transform it into a brilliant diamond.

Ishak Zakaria