Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The First Time...

Dalam perjalan hidup.... even untuk aku sendiri yang dah nak berumur 29 tahun by end of the year, aku still lagi experience banyak perkara for "The First Time".

So come to it, this will be my first time to write in my first Blog. So watch out for my future entry guys !!!


Anonymous said...

Penyakit Blog dah mula menular kat bumi kayangan. Mat Kayangan sanggup turn memblog. First Step to synchronize with IZ.

Nazim said...

Dikayang turus mengayang untuk mendapat ilham untuk mengarang.

Hisham said...

watch out....dta....tno....

Anonymous said...

dta = don't trust anybody
tno = trust no one
tno = the number one