Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fire Drill

Today at 12.00 noons Perlis Power Plant has conducted a fire drill that involved everybody including local authority Bomba and Jabatan Kesihatan.

It was quite successfully, with the incident scenario of having gas leak at the GRS with one victim. The ERP team was deployed to site for search and rescue effort.

But, one thing that caught my attention was the speech given by En Razak from Bomba. He had mentioned that the Safety Week program that was carried out last April was the biggest exercise collaboration between Bomba with any Industry in Malaysia. Can you believe that? Sejauh mana kebenaranya aku tak pasti. Tapi, iif it came from the Bomba officer himself, takkan dia nak bohong pulakkan!

He added that no company had ever spend that much of money for this kind of exercise. Well this make me to think that during the planning stage of the program, we had complained that there were not enough money to spend and budgeted by our company.

Now, we know that actually no company in Malaysia had ever spend that much!! So selalulah bersyukur terhadap apa yang kita ada. Baru-baru nie pun, even after aku dah tender for resignation, the company still bermurah hati untuk bagi kat aku competency allowances. Alhamdullilah.


Anonymous said...

Suadah tentunya company World Class!! Apa nak lagi!!

Nazim said...

Keperluan mungkin dah cukup tapi kehendak banyak benda yang dinakkan lagi...

seperti yang pernah diriwayatkan , Nabi pernah berkata
" Sekiranya ada satu umatku yang memiliki satu lembah dipenuhi emas, nescaya dia berkehendakkan satu lagi lembah emas"

Anonymous said...

Betul tu. Seorang manusia merasakan bahawa seluruh isi dunia ini tidak mencukupi untuk dirinya disebabkan ketamakan manusia walhal dunia ini cukup untuk menampung seluruh umat manusia ciptaan Allah s.w.t. Fikir2kanlah!!

Anonymous said...

Apa ni tak update pun.... sibuk ke? Mungkin nanti masa kat Makhostia boleh update kerap sikit... pasal ramai blogger kat sana